During your visit to the website of Heisey Collectors of America, Inc. (“HCA”) and the National Heisey Glass Museum (“the museum”), our web server automatically gathers and stores certain information about your use of the site. This information does not personally identify you, and your email address is not collected in this automatic process.
The information that is automatically collected and stored is:
Your Internet domain and Internet Protocol address.
The type of browser and operating system you used to access our site.
The date and time of your visit to our site.
The web pages or services you accessed at this site.
The IP address of the website from which you came to this site.
The website to which you go when you leave this site.
If you downloaded a form, the form that was downloaded.
We use this information to evaluate and improve the content of our site and to make our site more useful to our visitors. We also use it to diagnose problems with our server, to keep our server running smoothly, and to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology they use. This information does not identify or track you personally.
HCA makes every attempt to avoid the use of “cookies,” the simple text files stored on your computer by your web browser. Cookies may be used on our site when needed to maintain the functionality of an interactive application and are used only during the session in which you access the interactive application. Cookies created on your computer by using this website do not contain personal information and do not compromise your privacy or security.
The cookie feature is used only to store a randomly generated identifying temporary tag on your computer. You can refuse the cookie or delete the cookie file from your computer by using any of the widely available methods. However, if you turn off your cookie option, you may not be able to access some of the features in our interactive applications.
Our website may contain links to third party sites such as PayPal and HiBid. HCA and the museum are not responsible for the use of cookies, the privacy policies, or the content of those sites.
We do not collect personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us or you choose a service on the website, such as registering for the convention or purchasing a gift shop item, where gathering personal information is necessary to deliver the specific services. Use of those services is entirely voluntary. The types of personal information collected on these pages may include:
- Contact name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
This information is passed on to the applicable third-party provider, but a copy of this material is maintained by us, solely for use by HCA and the museum.
Credit Card Information
We do not store credit card information on our website. Any such information the user provides to purchase goods and services from our website is transmitted via the website to PayPal for processing. PayPal’s privacy policy is available here:
Registering for an Account
When you register for an account on our website, you create an account that includes a profile. The types of personal information collected in the creation of an account may include:
- Contact name
- Business name, if any
- Address, city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
You are solely responsible for all use of the website under your password or through your account. When you create your profile, you will likewise need to choose a username and password.
If you lose your password or suspect unauthorized use of your account, you should immediately request a reset of your password on the website or by contacting HCA by email or phone. HCA will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to safeguard your password and account.
Sending an email to HCA or the museum
If you choose to send us an e-mail that includes personal information, normally we will use the information provided only to respond to your message and for no other purposes. We do not use the information to create personal profiles or give it to others for commercial use or other purposes without your consent.
Members’ Personal Information
HCA will not sell, share, or trade members’ personal information with any other organizations. HCA will not send mailings to members on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by HCA in any form, both online and offline, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.
Membership records will be disclosed as required by law. In accordance with Ohio law, members of HCA are permitted to review HCA’s membership roll, consisting of members’ names and addresses, date of admission to membership, and membership category (if applicable).
With the member=s express permission, a member’s contact information (name, address, phone number, and email address) may be shared with one or more chartered study clubs as requested by the member.
A chartered study club may provide a roster of its members to HCA and to club members only. The roster may be used only for study club business, and the roster and any personal information contained in it must not be shared with any non-members of the club.
Additional Uses of Information from Members
As required by law, good faith or exigent circumstances, HCA and the museum reserve the right to access, use, preserve, or disclose personal information as required by law or in the good faith belief that such action is reasonably necessary to:
- comply with the law or legal process served on HCA or the museum or this website;
- protect and defend the rights, interests or property of HCA and the museum and their respective volunteers, members, agents or employees, or third parties;
- to protect the personal safety of HCA members or members of the public in general.
HCA Benefit Auctions
In-person Auctions
When you register in person as a bidder in an HCA benefit auction (including, but not limited to, the Spring Benefit Auction and the Dave Spahr Fall Select Auction), the personal information collected may include:
- Contact name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
This information is used for registration as a bidder in the auction and issuance of a bidder number. It is retained in a computer database to facilitate registration at future auctions and, for registrants who are not HCA members, to facilitate mailing of future auction catalogs.
For winning bidders who pay by check, the check number is recorded. For winning bidders who pay by credit card, the type of card and the last four digits of the card number are recorded. This information is used solely to facilitate the reconciliation of funds.
Absentee Bidders
If you place an absentee bid in an HCA benefit auction, the personal information collected may include:
- Contact name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
This information is used for registration as a bidder in the auction and issuance of a bidder number. We retain this information in a computer database to facilitate registration at future auctions and, for registrants who are not HCA members, to facilitate mailing of future auction catalogs.
Absentee bidders may elect to pay by check or credit card. Absentee bidders who choose to pay by check provide the check number on the absentee bid form. The check number will be recorded solely to facilitate reconciliation of funds. If an absentee bidder has submitted a check but does not win any lots, we will return the check to the bidder if a self-addressed stamped envelope has been provided. If the bidder has not provided a self-addressed stamped envelope, we will shred the check.
Winning absentee bidders who choose to pay by credit card provide the card type, number, expiration date, and security code on the absentee bid form. Only the card type and last four digits of the card number are retained in the auction database after the payment is processed. This information is used solely to facilitate reconciliation of funds. Before and immediately following our auctions, the absentee bidding forms are stored in a secure location at the museum. Retention of these forms is as directed by our accountants.
Online Auctions
When you register in person as a bidder in an HCA online auction (including, but not limited to, a Heisey Heritage Auction), the personal information collected may include:
- Contact name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
This information is used for registration as a bidder in the auction and issuance of a bidder number. We retain this information in a computer database to facilitate registration at future auctions and, for registrants who are not HCA members, to facilitate mailing of future auction catalogs.
Payment for items won in an online auction is made by credit card. Only the card type and last four digits of the number are retained in the auction database after the payment is processed. This information is used solely to facilitate reconciliation of funds.
The handling of personal information submitted in connection with an online auction may also be subject to the privacy policy of the online auction platform. HCA and the museum are not responsible for the privacy policy or information gathering practices of any online auction platform utilized by HCA for its auctions. The privacy policy for the HiBid auction platform may be found here:
Purchases at Museum Gift Shop
When you make a purchase at the museum’s gift shop, your personal information is stored in our Point of Sale (POS) system. Your personal information is used solely for identification and sales history, and to complete the sale. This personal information may include:
- Purchaser’s name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
If you make a purchase using a credit or debit card, the POS system stores only the card type and the last four digits of the card number. This information is used for reconciliation purposes only.
If you make a purchase and pay by check, your check is kept in a secure location in the museum until deposited. We do not retain copies of checks.
We retain order forms only until we receive confirmation that the order has been fulfilled. Credit or debit card information is redacted or removed from the forms. The following personal information may be included on order forms:
- Purchaser’s name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number
A receipt generated by the POS system is attached to sales paperwork to record completion of a sale. For payments by credit or debit card, the receipt includes the card type and last four digits of the card number. For payments by check, the receipt includes the check number. Receipts are retained for seven years or as directed by our accountants. The following personal information may also be included on a receipt:
- Purchaser’s name
- Business name, if any
- Address, including city, state and zip
- Email address
- Phone number