Brent Guest February 7th, 2020 Heisey #10 Oak Leaf Coaster, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #1001 Caswell Sugar Sifter, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #112 Mercury Candlesticks, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #113 Mars Candlesticks, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #114 Pluto Candlesticks, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #116 Oak Leaf Candlesticks, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #1184 Yeoman (#1023) Hotel Covered Sugar & Cream, Diamond Optic,Heisey #1184 Yeoman After Dinner Coffee, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #1184 Yeoman Cigarette Ashtray, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #1184 Yeoman Handled Bon Bon, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #1184 Yeoman Handled Sandwich Plate, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1Heisey #1184 Yeoman High Footed Comport, Shallow, Diamond Optic, HawthorneHeisey #121 Pinwheel Candlesticks, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #122 Zig Zag, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #14 Kingfisher Flower Block, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #15 5 inch Flower Block with #123 Candlestick, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #15 Duck 5 inch Flower Block, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #3350 Wabash Footed Comport without Cover, Diamond Optic, HawthornHeisey #3359 Plateau Rose Bowl Vase, 6 inch, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne,Heisey #3361 Charlotte Goblet, Moongleam Stem with Hawthorne Bowl, Diamond opticHeisey #3480 Koors 7 inch Floral Bowl, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #353 Medium Flat Panel Vase, 12 inch, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #406 Coarse Rib Covered Sugar, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #406 Coarse Rib Creamer, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #411 Tudor Cigarette Box & Cover, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #411 Tudor Covered Candy, Footed, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #411 Tudor Mayonnaise Bowl & Ladle, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #411 Tudor Sugar, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #411 Tudor Two Handled Jelly, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #4157 Steele Rose Bowl, 5.75 inches tall, Diamond Optic, HawthornHeisey #4159/1 Classic Vase, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #417 Double Rib & Panel Basket, Hawthorne, unk cuttingHeisey #4204 Joyce Vase, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #4206 Optic Tooth Vase, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #479 Petal Hotel Sugar & Creamer, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #515 Taper Cologne, #69 Stopper, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #516 Vase, Diamond Optic, Hawthorne, 1927Heisey #52 Short Individual Salt & Pepper, #5 Sanitary Top, Hawthorne,Heisey unknown HawthornHeisey unknown HawthornHeisey unknown HawthornHeisey unknown Hawthorn Heisey Hawthorne Share This Post :